Prof. ZENG Chang-gan
School of Physical Sciences,USTC
Title:Interlayer Quantum Drag Effect
Abstract:A closely spaced but electronically isolated electronic double-layer system is fascinating to study interlayer quasiparticle interactions and to reveal intriguing interlayer correlated states. Recent progresses in the development of graphene and other two-dimensional (2D) electronic systems have sparked renewed interest in the field of strong interlayer interactions and corresponding novel quantum phases. In particular, the highly tunable electronic properties of constituent 2D layers, together with the accessibility of ultra-small interlayer separation, enable the investigation of the drag effect in previously inaccessible strong-coupling regimes.In this talk, I will present our recent work on the interlayer drag experiments in several graphene-based electronic double-layer systems, to reveal a fingerprint feature of drag effect between massless and massive fermions, to discover a new type of quantum interference effect in inter-layer Coulomb drag, and to demonstrate a giant and highly-tunable supercurrent drag effect. Our findings establish a novel platform, i.e., electronic double-layer systems, to exploit novel inter-layer quantum effects, and offer unforeseen opportunities for new-principle electronic devices.
Prof. ZHOU Zong-quan
School of Physical Sciences,USTC
Title:An introduction to quantum networks
Abstract:I will introduce the research field of quantum networks which can enable long-distance quantum communication, distributed quantum computing and distributed quantum sensing. Due to the inevitable loss for photons during transmission, quantum memories are required for establishing the long-distance entanglement which is the fundamental resource for quantum networks. I will introduce the basic concepts, the roadmaps and the recent advances in this field.